Latest news
- Jewelry store in Aventura boarded up after suspected burglars crash into it; subjects remain at large
- Police: Driver killed in rollover crash after fleeing police, slamming into Florida City home; pedestrian hit
- Elderly woman killed in Malden crash involving federal law enforcement vehicle
- State police bomb squad called in after workers discover box of ‘possible pipe bombs’ at Newburyport construction site
- Jurors hear closing arguments in trial of man accused of killing New Hampshire couple in 2022
- New memorial honors Braintree K9 killed in the line of duty in 2021
- Peabody pilot program documents hundreds of incidents of drivers passing stopped school buses
- Green Line Extension problems are worse than previously known
- Patriots release 2023 NFL Draft pick, freeing up roster spot
- Former Orioles manager and second baseman Davey Johnson, GM Hank Peters on Baseball Hall of Fame committee ballot